
PH-Tools is the umbrella project encompassing all of the various software tools we’ve been building to make Passive House energy modeling faster, easier and more fun. In the past we’ve made plugins for DesignPH, and tool-kits like Honeybee-PH for Rhino and Honeybee modeling. We are happy to include CarbonCheck in the roster, with the goal of helping New York State Passive House teams automatically generate baseline variants and easily output building data. If you have questions on CarbonCheck, or any of the other PH-Tools, check out the links and references below.

Contact us

If you want to contact us regarding any aspect of the PH-Tools toolkit or CarbonCheck, email us at:

Get Help…

Having trouble and can’t find the answer? Consider the How to Ask for Help section below.

How to Ask for Help

We are happy to try and help you out if you are having trouble with CarbonCheck, but to do that we need you to provide enough information for us to know what is happening. Please ensure that any help-requests or posts to the forums are structured to include:

Current Behavior / Issue:

  • What is the problem behavior you are running into? What is the scenario you are having trouble with? Be as specific as possible.

Expected Behavior:

  • What did you expect to happen in this case?

What you have tried to solve the problem?

Environment Details:

  • Operating System and version (Windows, Mac, etc)
  • Microsoft Excel version
  • PHPP version (and language)
  • WUFI-Passive version

Screen Shots / Examples:

  • Remember - we cannot see your computer. So it is helpful to provide some screen-shots or example files if you would like us to understand exactly what is happening, and where.